4M KidzLabs Weather Lab Science Kit
Build a mini weather station to record everyday weather changes with this kit.
Conduct experiments to discover the science and facts about climate change, the water cycle and other weather phenomena.
With a variety of weather measuring equipment, record and measure wind, rainfall, and temperature outside.
In addition to the weather, learn about topics like acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and the water cycle with these experiments.
This set includes a weather journal to get started and is recommended for ages 8-15.
Challenge your child's imagination with 4M toys and kits.
4M educational toys cover a wide range of educational subjects and include science kits, arts and crafts kits, robotics kits, and more.
4M offers a wide range of toys and kits to let you build a clock, crochet a placemat, or turn your room into a planetarium--all in the name of making learning fun.