Be Amazing Toys Big Bag Of Science +70 Activities
Use REAL SCIENTIFIC TOOLS to perform more than 70 activities from fizzing bubbling colored water to creating instant worms.
This kit's four color step-by-step instruction book has photos and illustrations to help kids follow along with the science fun.
This kit covers the three areas of science (Physical, Earth and Life) as well as activities in Chemistry, Physics, Magnetism, Weather, Biology, Geology and Flight. The re-usable BIG zipper Bag is great for storing all components when it’s time to put your lab away.
What is S.T.E.M.? STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, which constitutes many of the areas educators look to cover for science based activities. We are proud to say that his kit has a strong focus on STEM.
The Amazing Science line of products has been designed to peak kid's curiosity for the world around them. These kits encourage kids to wonder, discover and explore in a way that will get the science to the dinner table. Our goal is to teach kids how to be amazing as they show their friends and family what they’ve learned. Real Science…Real Learning!